Monday 2 September 2013

New Pokémon Series!

Above is the trailer of Pokémon: The Origins. More in line with the original Pokémon games on Gameboy (Red, Blue and Green - US and JAP had this instead of Blue).
And with my current fun project of Pokémon: HARDCORE, in which Pokémon are pitted against each other in brutal combat which can result in death or maiming (leading to Bionic limbs in a strange kind of evolution), and inspired by (of all things) Battle Royale, Pokémon Origins could be a great watch, providing they do an English Dub or subtitle version!

(VERY) early visual effects!

Just found this on Youtube and it has some interesting early visual effects and compositing techniques which were used right up into the 80s, before digital compositing was used. Plus some multiple exposure techniques used at the beginning of film making and into the Golden Age of Hollywood! Interesting watching!